Quality and reliable components give the burner a long life-time. Unique electrical ignition and automatic choice of power-level output make using this burner very easy and comfortable all year-round.
- one-point ignition: less power is needed for ignition, less fume comes up, ignition is faster.
- Using internal auger: insures unvaried fuel transportation into the burningchamber and thereof also equable burning.
- Air distribution: in all power levels, primary and secundary air are obtimally distributed
- Intelligent leading: the burner chooses itself a suitable output power level accordind to need of warmness
- Using a hot burning chamber insures absolute burning, small emmissions and high efficiency
- Details which are in contact with fire are made from heat-proof stainless steel
- High-quality components
Protection against back-burning:
- Safety thermostat
- Periodic work of internal auger in standby mode
- Melting hose
- Interface : the burner gives clear information about the instant activity and shows tooling parameters on the screen
- Compatibility with oil boilers: the burners are compatible with oil boilers by mounting and by electric connection.